QSO & QSL - All data on the QSO partner
Pic above:After entering a callsign, all QSOs that were made with this station are displayed. All previously entered data for this station will be transferred to the current QSO, so that duplicate work can be avoided.
Pic above:With the following input fields you can switch to the corresponding lists by clicking on a small switch next to these fields and look up or transfer data there: IOTA, Area, DXCC, US states, US counties, stations
Further information on the topic:
hamoffice - 2024-12-196.302.7: Update of the January contests 6.302.7: List button in LogCheck better positioned 6.302.7: Prefix update is...
hamoffice - 2024-12-056.302.5b and c: in the additional QSO window, not all switches were displayed under certain circumstances -> corrected...
hamoffice - 2024-11-216.302.3: Contests: better display of missing entries in the configuration window 6.302.3: Optimizations for QSL image...
Information pages
HAM OFFICE: Basic layouts in the QSO inputThe QSO window now has 3 basic layouts for "normal" radio operation, subsequent QSO entry and contest/expedition operation. Each of these layouts can be customized separately. With a menu item or the options bar you can quickly switch to this layout ...
HAM OFFICE: Web QSO exchangesThe "Web QSO exchange" function can be found under the menu item "Logbook - OnlineLog, eQSL, LotW etc". Via this you can simply send QSOs from the program to various web databases, compare the QSOs with these databases or load QSL photos. This functi...
HAM OFFICE: QSO inputThe QSO window now has 3 basic layouts for "normal" radio operation, subsequent QSO entry and contest/expedition operation. Each of these layouts can be customized separately. With a menu item or the options bar, you can then quickly switch to this l...
HAM OFFICE: Web QSO exchange(For owners of the premium license) The function "Web QSO exchange" can be found under the menu item "Logbook - OnlineLog, eQSL, LotW etc". Via this you can simply send QSOs from the program to various web databases, compare the QSOs with these datab...
HAM OFFICE: QSO input window with activated informations AR SoftLogbook program with all the important functions that are necessary for a thorough and appealing input of QSO data and logbook evaluation