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QSO & QSL - logbook - screen layout (2)

qso-input quickcheck world map statistics hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above:QSO input: top right: QuickCheck, bottom logbook, statistics and map, in the middle a map information window with globe
(all windows can switched on separately and resized with the mouse)

qso-input stellites staistics hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above:QSO input: top right: additional QSO window, bottom logbook, satellites and statistics, in the middle a map information window with globe
(all Windows can be switched on separately and resized with the mouse)

qso-input satellites flags infowindow hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above:QSO input: top right: map, bottom logbook, satellites and statistics, in the middle flag information window
(all windows can be switched on separately and can be resized with the mouse)

qso-input worldmap satellits hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above:QSO input: top right: map, bottom logbook and satellites, flag information window in the middle
(all windows can be switched on separately and resized with the mouse)

qso-input worldmap dxcluster hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above:QSO entry: top right: map, bottom logbook, statistics and DXCluster, flag information window in the middle
(all windows can be switched on separately and can be resized with the mouse)

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