Evaluations for the amateur radio logbook - matrix and maps
Pic above: Matrix
This function gives you an immediate overview of the worked or confirmed Area or DXCC.
Pic above: Matrix table
After clicking on one of the "Matrix" buttons in the first picture on this page, this list opens, which shows exactly which Area or DXCC has been worked or confirmed
Pic above: Statistics DXCC map
Displays the worked and confirmed DXCC.
Pic above: EU statistics locator map
Display of the worked and confirmed locator fields on the map of Europe.
Pic above: World statistics locator map
Display of the worked and confirmed locator fields on the world map.
Further information on the topic:
hamoffice - 2024-12-126.302.6: the multi calculation has been revised for all contests that require a district as a multi 6.302.6: Win10 la...
hamoffice - 2023-11-026.296.5: Update MRR contest 6.296.5: Revision of the statistics matrix 6.296.5: QSL sendi...
- 2023-02-026.292.1: DX cluster window on second screen: The QSO entry window is no longer "bogged down" 6.292....
Information pages
HAM OFFICE: Evaluate QSOs with HAM OFFICE and keep an overview.With the matrix you can create more specific lists.